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            My wife and I both have jobs that require hard work and offer little time for relaxation.  I work in the plumbing industry sometimes putting in long days to get jobs done on deadlines and my wife stays home with and takes care of our children.  On days that I have been home with the kids, I know that her job is much harder and more demanding than mine.  Not to mention that it’s not your regular 8 hour shift job.  With the demanding schedules that we have, it was sometimes hard to find a way to unwind and relax or to each have our own individual time.  This changed when we decided to upgrade our shower to a steam shower unit.

            We had determined that one of the only times during the day that each of us had alone time was when one of us was taking a shower for the day.  After discussing it for a few months, we decided to make the change.  I do have to admit that getting the job done added a bit more to the stress in our lives when we were in the middle of the project, but after getting it done, I can say that it was worth it all.  With the addition of some extras, such as lighting and the installation of a water-proof sound system, our bathroom turned into our own personal spa.  

        After getting the older children off to school and putting the younger ones down for naps, my wife is able to take a break for herself to get ready for the day and sit and relax while she is surrounded by steam in the shower.  With the control system for the shower, we are both able to make our own user settings and save them to be accessed later.  My wife likes to have the lighting dimmed a little with classical music playing.  I prefer to have the lights on, undimmed and some music that is a little more upbeat.  My wife also prefers to have the steam temperature up higher than I do.  I tried her setting once, just to see what it would be like, and I’m just glad I have my own setting!

      On days that my wife really needs to relax there is an option to add oil to be dispersed into the shower so she can “breathe in the relaxation” as I like to say.  Once again, it’s not something that I like to do, but it is something that I think is great for my wife to use.  There are times during the night that I’ll take the kids to the store, mall, or other places so my wife can have more time to relax in the shower.  The steam has also been helpful when we have allergies, colds, or other sicknesses that have to do with the respiratory system.  It really helps to clear out the sinuses, which makes breathing much easier.  If you need a way to relax in your own home, a steam shower can help!