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When installing a heating and air conditioner system, some people may not realize that the piping being installed will need some extra work.  A mistake can be made that the piping only needs to be put together and then all is well and done.  This is definitely not the case!  If piping is only put together without further action, problems can and will occur.  Unfortunately, I have run into this problem on some of the jobs that I have done.  Customers just weren’t sure why their system wasn’t working correctly.  Whether it was because the system wasn’t installed correctly in the first place, or someone forgot a section of the pipe while working, usually a small fix could get the job done and the system up and working again.


One of the common mistakes is forgetting to put some sort of sealant on the duct pipe and fittings to hold them together.  Using a duct sealant is an easy way to overcome this problem.  Duct sealant comes in a container and appears to be like a putty.  It can be applied using a brush and it goes on the pipe easily.  Once dry, the duct sealant will create a strong bond and help protect against leaks throughout the system.  Not only will this help to keep your home or business warm in the winter and cool during the summer, it will save you money on your energy costs during each month.


Different products are on the market to sealant joints in systems and many of them are size specific.  It is a good idea to talk with an expert at a supply house to know which type of material should be used.  Duct sealant, for example, is used for larger diameter pipes and may not be suitable for smaller diameter applications.  Generally, the type of sealant that you use will have instructions on the label as well as the size of pipe that it can and should be used on.  I have seen what happens when the wrong product has been used, even by some of my fellow workers, and it isn’t pretty!  It is important to not be careless when purchasing duct sealant and to read the label or ask the supplier what it can and can’t be used for.


Getting the right product also means that you will be able to rest assured that your system will perform its job and do so efficiently, with little repairs throughout the years.  Each time I am working on a system, I double check the work-especially when the duct will be covered by sheetrock (as is the case in homes and some businesses).  Doing so helps me to be able to ensure my customers that the job has been done right and inspected by me personally.  If something isn’t right, it gets fixed.  Like I mentioned, many of these things are an easy fix.  Duct sealant is something that is easy to apply, just like can be seen on this video: